If you’ve been in IT long enough, chances are that you’ve had to deal with disabling an account or changing a password without knowing if it's running a service somewhere.

I’ve always struggled with this, and have employed a few different methods:

  1. Buy lunch for a few of your admin friends and have them help you check all of the critical servers and services before making the change.
  2. Turn it off and pray see what happens

Both of these options stink.

I’ve spent quite a bit of time on the Google and Bing machines looking for someone who had a simpler and cleaner solution to this problem to no avail.

Given that I've caused dealt with this at multiple jobs, it's surprising that no one else admitted guilt has posted a solution to this problem.

So here it is (source and an executable version below)….


cls ##clear the screen
Write-Host "Starting Service Credential Check..."
$GetDesktopPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop") ## get the path to save the files
Write-Host "Saving files to "  $GetDesktopPath  "..."

$name = Read-Host -prompt 'Run for domain (blank = current domain)...'
$myDomain = if ($name -eq ""){((Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain)} elseif ($name -eq $null){((Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain)} else {$name}
$ldapaddress = "LDAP://" + $myDomain

$ADSearch = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$ADSearch.SearchRoot = $ldapaddress.ToString()
$ADSearch.SearchScope = "Subtree" 
$ADSearch.PageSize = 8000 

$ADSearch.Filter = "(objectCategory=Computer)"
$colResults = $ADSearch.FindAll()
$computers = $colResults.GetDirectoryEntry()
$servers = $computers | Where-Object {$_.operatingSystem -Like "*Server*"} #| select -last 50
$servers2 = $servers.dNSHostName | where { Test-Connection -ComputerName $_ -Count 1 -Quiet }

$services = gwmi win32_service -computer $servers2 | select SystemName,DisplayName,StartName,State,StartMode | Sort-Object StartName,SystemName,DisplayName

$services | ConvertTo-HTML -Property SystemName,DisplayName,StartName,State,StartMode,InstallDate > ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")+"\all_services.html")

$services | Where-Object {$_.StartName -NotLike "*NT Authority*" -and $_.StartName -NotLike "*NT Service*" -and $_.StartName -NotLike "*locals*"} | ConvertTo-HTML -Property SystemName,DisplayName,StartName,State,StartMode,InstallDate > ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")+"\nonsystem_services.xls")

Write-Host "The files have been saved..."
Write-Host "Exiting..."


Source Code and Executable http://jargonbin.com/downloads/ScanServiceCreds.zip

